实时定量PCR(real time PCR,Q-PCR)
本公司严格执行中科院质量标准,长期为客户提供快速,一站式real-time PCR (实时定量PCR,Q-PCR)服务。
Cytoskeleton Regulators qpcr array
启因生物 Cytoskeleton Regulators qpcr array
实时定量PCR 服务
核酸提取,RT-Realtime PCR,标准实验流程,ABI优质稳定试剂,ABI Realtim-PCR仪,进口实验耗材http://www.easysci.cn/
Other Monocyte and Macrophage Surface Markers qpcr array
启因生物 Other Monocyte and Macrophage Surface Markers qpcr array
AKT and PI3K Family Members and Their Regulators qpcr array
启因生物 AKT and PI3K Family Members and Their Regulators qpcr array